Leading commercial furniture supplier has an immediate opening for a full time sales person at our NY C Times Square location. Find your local representative by state or contact a regional manager for more information. Government Office Furniture Office Furniture sales Representative.
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M m is a national online directory of furniture industry Sales Reps and their profiles, including both furniture Reps and accessory Reps. Shinnick, a former furniture sales representative and decorator, died Jan. Each DR partners with a local KI Sales Specialist teammatementor, working. Currently, there are no Retail Furniture Sales Representative jobs available which match this search. Shinnick, furniture sales representative Jan 23, 2016.
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Outdoor furniture, hotels, Brown Jordan sales reps Since 1945, Brown Jordan has manufactured luxury leisure furniture for outdoors and in. KI is currently the sixth-largest contract furniture manufacturer in the. Go to JSI website (furniture for business interiors).
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